
Arcade Games We Offer

Count on Multicades to bring it on with an amazing selection of arcade games sure to fire up the imagination of avid players everywhere. We offer a 4500-in-1 package featuring arcade classics from late 70s to mid 2000s, including:

  • Dragon's Lair
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Other Game Options

Your arcade machine will contain nearly every arcade game title released between the 1970s and the early 2000s. Also included in our package are some of our all-time favorites, such as:

  • Nintendo Console Games
  • Sega Genesis
  • Super Nintendo Games

Double the Fun

Video and sound complete the visual and aural experience that comes with playing arcade games. To make it even more exciting for players, every game setup comes with an animated game menu.

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Stumble Upon a Wide Variety of Choices

Find the games you love to play! We’d be delighted to make them available to you. For delivery prices and delivery dates, please get in touch with us.